


A Study of Readers' Negative Emotions in University Libraries




陳書梅(Su-May Sheih Chen)


負面情緒 ; 讀者研究 ; 大學圖書館 ; 讀者服務 ; Negative Emotion ; Reader Study ; University Library ; Public Service




9卷1期(2011 / 06 / 01)


77 - 121




讀者的情緒與感覺影響其對圖書館服務品質的評價,且負面情緒較正面情緒更具影響力。因此,圖書館組織須重視與了解讀者之負面情緒的類型與成因。本研究以半結構式深度訪談法,進行大學圖書館中讀者負面情緒經驗之調查,總計訪談32位大學圖書館使用者,並將受訪者在使用圖書館的過程中所產生之負面情緒歸納為憤怒、焦慮、驚恐、挫折感、無助感、難過、羞愧感等七類,而其成因則包含規定制度/管理、其他讀者、 設備、環境/空問規劃、圖書館工作人員、館藏、資訊科技/軟體箏七類。


Readers' evaluation of library service depends much on their emotional feelings towards library usage, in particular negative ones. The current study investigates the causes and categories of readers' negative feelings in library usage. Thirty-two readers were interviewed for their experiences of negative feelings in library, which were then categorized into the following seven types: anger, anxiety, alarm, frustration, helplessness, sadness, and shame. In addition, readers' negative feelings in library were found to result from libraries' regulations/management, other readers, facilities, environment/space, library staff, collection, and information technology/software.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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