


A Study of Rural Elderly's Health Information Needs and Seeking Behavior




廖韋淳(Wei-Chun Liao);邱立安(Li-An Chiu);岳修平(Hsiu-Ping Yueh)


鄉村地區老年人 ; 健康資訊需求 ; 健康資訊行為 ; Elderly of Rural Area ; Health Information Need ; Health Information Seeking Behavior




10卷1期(2012 / 06 / 01)


155 - 204






This study explored the health information needs and information seeking behavior of the rural elderly people in Chiayi County, Taiwan. Survey method was used and 92 valid questionnaires were collected for the analyses. The results showed that the majority of the rural elder people expressed the need for and attention to health information. ”health service information” and ”prevention health care information” were the most needed and important. Family, friends and television were the main channels for accessing health information. However, fewer respondents actively sought health information. When health problems occurred, they tended to seek direct medical treatment. This study also found that men were more attentive and active in seeking health information. Respondents over 75 years old rarely concerned about their health information need. People with more education were also more aware of their health information needs and more attentive to information disseminated via mass media.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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