


Henri Vetch and His French Bookstore Peking




雷強(Chiang Lei)


魏智 ; 北京法文圖書館 ; 出版商 ; Henri Vetch ; The French Bookstore ; Publisher




11卷2期(2013 / 12 / 01)


149 - 194






Based on enormous firsthand materials as journals, memoirs, newspapers, correspondences, archives, bibliographies and books etc., this article tries to clarify some important aspects concerning Henri Vetch and his French Bookstore Peking such as when Henri Vetch took over his father Francis Vetch's La Librairie Francaise and established his own French Bookstore Peking, how its inner structure worked and what its major businesses covered. By doing so, the author tells the story of the French Bookstore Peking: how it had witnessed the vicissitudes of its time and its own, how it had contributed to the cultural exchange and communication between China and the West through its daily business activities such as book retails, consignments, purchases on demand, and publication of books on various aspects of China in English and other languages written by distinguished western sinologists and authors. In all, this article makes efforts to explore the publishing history of an individual-Henri Vetch from 1930 to 1953, whose publishing house, the French Bookstore Peking, served both for an academic club and a private library, and had played an active role in the cultural life of Beijing or even the whole China during that time.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
  1. 北平外僑事務處[Bei ping wai qiao shi wu chu](1949年9月30日 1949, September 30) 。函介紹法商魏智代表辦理進出口登記及公和洋行審核結果一併告知[Han jie shao fa shang wei zhi dai biao ban li jin chu kou deng ji ji gong he yang xing shen he jie guo yi bing gao zhi]。天津市檔案館Tianjin Municipal Archives(檔號call number 401206800-X0091-Y-000020-027),天津市Tianjin。
  2. Personal notes. (1941, February 5). The North China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, p. 216.
  3. 法文圖書館La Librairie Française/The French Bookstore(1930-1932)。與華北水利委員會關於代售該會地形圖的來往函件[Yu hua bei shui li wei yuan hui guan yu dai shou gai hui di xing tu de lai wang han jian]。北京市檔案館Beijing Municipal Archives(檔號call number J007-001-00217),北京市Beijing。
  4. Orders for the latest issue or yearly subscriptions to The Weekly Review of the Far East may be placed with the following book stores and news agencies in the Far East. (1923, January 27). The Weekly Review, p. 283.
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  9. 法文圖書館等La Librairie Française/The French Bookstore et al.(1932-1935)。關於代售地形圖事項與華北水利委員會的來往函[Guan yu dai shou di xing tu shi xiang yu hua bei shui li wei yuan hui de lai wang han]。北京市檔案館Beijing Municipal Archives(檔號call number J007-001-00309),北京市Beijing。
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  17. Passengers. (1920, August 23). The Shanghai Times, p. 9.
  18. Sapajou. (1938, October 19). Mr. Henry Vetch. North China Herald, p. 102.
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