


An Investigation of the Academic Information Finding and Re-finding Behavior on the Web




卜小蝶(Hsiao-Tieh Pu);江信昱(Xin-Yu Jiang)


網路資訊檢索行為 ; 資訊尋獲 ; 資訊再尋獲 ; 個人資訊管理 ; Web Information Search Behavior ; Information Finding ; Information Re-finding ; Personal Information Management




12卷2期(2014 / 12 / 01)


117 - 160






Academic researchers often need and re-use relevant information found after a period of time. This preliminary study used various methods, including experiments, interviews, search log analysis, sequential analysis, and observation to investigate characteristics of academic information finding and re-finding behavior. Overall, the participants in this study entered short queries either in finding or re-finding phases. Comparatively speaking, the participants entered greater number of queries, modified more queries, browsed more web pages, and stayed longer on web pages in the finding phase. On the other hand, in the re-finding phase, they utilized personal information management tools to re-find instead of finding again using search engine, such as checking browsing history; moreover, they tend to input less number of queries and stayed shorter on web pages. In short, the participants interacted more with the retrieval system during the finding phase, while they increased the use of personal information management tools in the re-finding phase. As to the contextual clues used in re-finding phase, the participants used less clues from the target itself, instead, they used indirect clues more often, especially location-related information. Based on the results of sequential analysis, the transition states in the re-finding phase was found to be more complex than those in the finding phase. Web information finding and re-finding behavior is an important and novel area of research. The preliminary results would benefit research on Web information re-finding behavior, and provide useful suggestions for developing personal academic information management systems.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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