


Turning Cultural Heritage into Cultural and Creative Products: A Case Study of Value Creation Out of Cultural Artifacts Collaborated between the National Palace Museum and the Bright Ideas Design, Co. Ltd




陳蕙芬(Hui-Fen Chen);楊燕枝(Yann-Jy Yang)


文化創意產品 ; 價值創造 ; 數位典藏 ; 價值鏈 ; 故宮博物院 ; Cultural and Creative Products ; Value Creation ; Digital Content ; Value Chain ; National Palace Museum




14卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


115 - 149






This paper analysed the value creation activities of cultural and creative products developed from cultural heritage. It employed the case study methodology to examine two collaboration projects between the Bright Ideas Design, Co. Ltd. and National Palace Museum. A framework was developed based on the review of the relevant literature on cultural products, value creation and digital content. Research data included information obtained from semi-structured interviews and secondary sources. The findings suggest that there are two stages and two dimensions in the value creation activities of culture-creative products. The stages include the generation of design ideas as well as the substantiation of creativity. In each stage, the designers must take the dimensions of symbol instantiation as well as user experiences into account. In the first stage of idea generation, the key points were the decoding and extraction of cultural symbols, which were then turned into designs that trigger new experiences. In the second stage of substantiation of creativity, the major tasks were the reshaping of the cultural symbols and the integration of the transformed symbols into design that meets expected experiences. The collaboration projects have produced trifold effects which addressed cross the gaps caused by different generations, forms and cultures. The analysis and the findings of this paper may shed lights on the future cultural and creative productions between memory organizations and collaborating designers.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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