Grounded on organization of information, this study used card sorting method to investigate female consumers’ preferred classification scheme, and adopted in-depth interview method to identify the organizing rules they lived by. The results of card sorting analysis were able to identified 14 categories of health food package information, and they were price, flavor, award and remarks, product liability insurance, disposal information, research development information, function claims, consumer complaints, production information and logo, nutritional ingredient, advertisement and national certificate, food instructions, manufacturer information, and others. This study found that the consumer-perceived most important food package information were product name, brand name, ingredient information, food additives information, and information on certified functions. It suggests that these five types of information should be prominently displayed in a conspicuous place to enable consumers make rationale and efficient choices. The 14 categories of food package information and their labels resulted from the card sorting experiment may provide a guide as to how the information should be organized and grouped in a way that facilitates making sense of the information. This study may also facilitate consumers to efficiently and accurately locate the information they need when making purchasing decision of health food.
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