


A Preliminary Study of the Classification Thoughts in the Mobian




藍文欽(Wen-Chin Lan)


墨辯 ; 分類思維 ; 名實問題 ; 同異區分 ; 察類與推類 ; Mobian ; Classification Thoughts ; Names and Objects ; Sameness and Difference ; Categorization




16卷1期(2018 / 06 / 01)


77 - 108






This article attempts to examine the Mobian (墨辯; the Mohist Dialectical) from the perspective of classification theory. The Mobian comprises six texts, which form chapters 40 through 45 of the extant Mozi (墨子), including Jing-shang (經上; Canon I), Jing-xia (經下; Canon II), Jingshuo-shang (經說上; Explanation to Canon I), Jingshuo-xia (經說下; Explanation to Canon II), Daqu (大取; Greater Selections), and Xiaoqu (小取; Lesser Selections). The Mobian is commonly recognized as a classic and treasure for the logic of ancient China. Therefore, most scholars explore the book assuming a logical or philosophical perspective. The current investigation, however, is focused on thoughts and issues related to classification as revealed in the Mobian. The result of the preliminary study shows that Mobian can and should be viewed as a treasure for classification study of ancient China. There exists numerous thoughtful discussions related to classification issues, including perception and cognition (i.e., the foundation of classifying), the three laws of thought and the principle of rationality, concept definitions, categorization, names and objects, sameness and difference, and classifying and inferring methods. The results guarantee further examination of the Mobian and suggest that we may employ a similar approach to investigate the writings of the Pre-Qin philosophers.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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