
How Much Do Pregnant Women Know? An Exploratory Study on the Readability of Frequently-used Nutrition Terms






張家翎(Chia-Ling Chang);邱銘心(Ming-Hsin Phoebe Chiu)


Readability ; Content Analysis ; Online Nutrition Information ; Women of First Pregnancy ; 可讀性分析 ; 內容分析 ; 網路營養資訊 ; 初次懷孕婦女




18卷2期(2020 / 12 / 01)


139 - 165




People easily access nutrition information just by typing the keywords into the search engine. However, past studies have shown that popular health information websites that are addressed to everyday users tend to be easy to use, while the information quality is questionable. Researchers attempt to increase the readability of nutrition education materials. This study analyzed the nutrition terminology used in government nutrition websites by n-gram cutter and nutrition dictionary. The results of the generated nutrition terminology list were presented to 58 women of first pregnancy, who has the highest demand of nutrition information. This study was designed in two stages. The first stage was content analysis of online nutrition information, which attempted to identify the nutrition terms that have been used. The second stage was the glossary comprehension test on the 58 research participants toward 104 nutrition terms used in the texts. The purpose of this study is to understand the comprehension of first pregnancy women towards nutrition terms and categorize terms by the result. Outcome of the comprehension test shown that self-cognition was highly related to real-cognition, but there are still some exceptions. According to the relations between self-reported-cognition and actual-cognition, terms can be categorized as "familiarized words," "incomprehensible words," "overrated vocabulary" and "low confidence word." In the future professionals are advised to use these terms accordingly based on the different level of comprehension. This study constructs a method of analyzing terms and identifying a list of nutrition terminologies that is accurate and appropriate, which can be applied to different field of professions.


本研究目的有二,其一為探索初次懷孕婦女的營養詞彙理解,其二根據前者將詞彙難度分類,進行以讀者為導向的詞彙可讀性評估。研究分兩階段:第一階段是對網路營養資訊進行內容分析,從孕產婦關懷網站找出實際使用的營養詞彙,並根據結果設計測驗;第二階段則對58位受試者進行測驗,分數高低代表對104個營養詞彙的熟悉程度、概念理解程度。結果顯示,初孕婦女對詞彙的熟悉程度趨近中間值(3.52 ± 0.68),概念理解程度則屬精熟程度(86%),但是兩者並不完全相關。根據兩者差異可以將詞彙分為四類。本研究建議,未來專業人士在選用營養詞彙時,應根據不同的詞彙特性而有不同的應對方式;且不應採用單一詞庫進行專業名詞判斷,應加入更多詞庫,確保詞庫的完整。

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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