


Exploring the Factors Influencing Government Agencies' Intention to Implement Open Data Policies in Taiwan: A Quantitative and Multigroup Analysis Perspective




楊東謀(Tung-Mou Yang);吳孟家(Meng-Chia Wu)


開放政府 ; 開放政府資料 ; 開放資料 ; 政府透明 ; 臺灣 ; Open Governemnt ; Open Government Data ; Open Data ; Government Transparency ; Taiwan




20卷1期(2022 / 06 / 01)


131 - 171






Open government data (OGD) has become an important policy implementation around the global government administrations while OGD is expected to help achieve the principles of open government, including transparency, participation and collaboration. However, as indicated in the literature, there have been factors existing to influence government agencies' open data participation. In this research, recent open data literature is first reviewed, and related hypotheses are developed for forming a conceptual model for conducting quantitative analysis and exploring how the factors influence government agencies' intention and behavior of open data policy implementation. The investigated factors are perceived usefulness, perceived cost, external influence, facilitating condition, organizational capability, legislation and policy, agency leadership, perceived value of OGD, and perceived risk. Particularly, multigroup analysis (MGA) is adopted in this study for exploring whether the investigated factors have different weights on government agencies having different years of experience of open data policy implementation. Based on the quantitative data analysis results, the discussions and practical implications of this research can provide insights to practitioners and policy makers and also enrich the current open data related literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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