The present study concerned the database, Case Closeout Memoranda, established by the National Science Foundation (NSF) of the United States. In the study, the current authors retrieved 3,064 reported cases of suspected noncompliance in research between 1989 to 2019. We then analyzed the classification of misbehaviors and subsequent actions; the authors also investigated the evolution of the violations and actions over the three decades. The preliminary results include the following: the closed cases over the years can be categorized into 31 types of misbehaviors and 5 types of subsequent actions; the total number of closed cases increased significantly after 2004 and reached a peak in the same year; among the closed cases, verbatim plagiarism accounts for the most significant reported breach, followed by grant frauds; in terms of subsequent actions, individuals with fewer breaches were often warned about questionable research practices, and a major portion of those with more severe issues performed administrative actions, followed by monetary recovery and being defined as research misconduct. Finally, the authors proposed establishing a national case database of noncompliance in research in Taiwan to promote retrospective studies and categorization research further. In addition, the authors hoped that Taiwanese local government ministries and research institutions can consider the suggestions in the article to uphold accountability, transparency, and social responsibility.
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