


Factors Influencing Practitioners' Experience of Utilizing Open Government Data




鄭惟中(Wei-Chung Cheng);邱銘心(Ming-Hsin Phoebe Chiu)


開放政府資料 ; 開發人員 ; 使用經驗 ; 質性分析 ; Open Government Data ; Practitioner ; Use Experience ; Qualitative Analysis




21卷2期(2023 / 12 / 01)


119 - 151






Open government data (OGD) has been discussed globally for its value in improving the government's service quality and transparency. However, most OGD must be utilized by the practitioners in their projects so that the public can benefit from the outcomes and realize the philosophy of OGD. This study investigated 35 practitioners' experiences utilizing OGD with semi-structured interviews and analyzed transcripts via a qualitative approach based on grounded theory. The results present five factors that influence practitioners' experiences: data quality, service quality, product quality, experience quality, and feedback quality; moreover, 15 indicators among the above factors were identified. In conclusion, practitioners play a crucial role in turning OGD into valuable products to engage the public in the OGD ecosystem and expand the value of such data. This paper gives specific recommendations to the government to improve the OGD environment from a practical perspective and demonstrates the meanings of practitioners' contributions to the OGD movement.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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