The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of training camps that can help students to improve and develop positive self-concept based on the 2006 Boy Scout Leadership Training Camp held in Pingtung County. The research targets on middle school, high school, and vocational high school students who have attended the training, with a total of 126 people. To use quantitative analysis, a self-concept chart was made to collect and record data at the beginning and the end of the training. And with the method of qualitative analysis, observations and interviews were made during the beginning, middle, and end phases of the training for more detailed data. The result of quantitative analysis is as follows: 1. The level of self-concept did not change during the beginning and the end of the training for all students; 2. The level of self-concept did not change during the beginning and the end of the training for both boys and girls; 3. The level of self-concept did not change during the beginning and the end of the training for both middle and high school students. The result of qualitative analysis: From the observations and interviews, there is an obvious improvement in the self-concept and self-awareness of the students after the training. Thus, we would suggest that: 1. training camp become part of regular classes and increase the number of training camps; 2. the courses and activities at Boy Scout training camps can be more interesting; 3. training camps to offer diversified programs.
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