


Teacher Organizational Commitment: Concepts, Process, Categories and Its Implication






交換性組織承諾 ; 態度性組織承諾 ; organizational commitment ; attitude commitment ; exchange commitment




50期(2007 / 07 / 01)


128 - 144




本文首先論述教師組識承諾的意義;其次探討教師組識承諾的發展歷程;第三,比較分析教師組識承諾的類別;第四,提出啟示;最後是結語。 教師組識承諾係教師對學校組織所作之承諾,教師基於資源交換與價值規範觀點,對學校組識產生連結現象而在態度與行為上表現出一致的傾向。教師組識承諾類別有兩種:一是交換性組識承諾:以資源交換而言,教師會考量報酬與成本關係來決定是否為組識奉獻心力;二是態度性組識承諾,以態度規範而言,教師對學校的組識目標與價值,有著強烈的認同感,對學校充滿希望與關懷,願意為學校教學或行政工作,付出心力,並且希望在此學校繼續服務,成為組識的一份子。 本文提出幾點啟示供學校領導者參考: 一、激發教師工作態度,建立教育專業倫理 二、善用學校組識資源,滿足教師心理需求 三、增進學校教師連結,擴大教師參與機會 四、運用公平互惠原則,維持教師工作動機


This article is divided into several parts. First is to explore the concepts of organizational commitment. Secondly, it explores process of organizational commitment. Thirdly, it explores categories of organizational commitment. Fourth is its implication to school management. Finally is conclusion. There are two categories of organizational commitment:1. Attitude Commitment: The individual commits to and remains with an organization because of feelings of obligation. 2.Exchange Commitment: The individual commits to the organization because he/she perceives high costs of losing organizational membership. Finally, the implications are provided as follow: 1. Inspire teacher job attitude to build professional ethics.. 2. Use school resource to satisfy teacher needs. 3. Increaseconnection between school and teacher to enlarge participation. 4. Establish fair and mutual favor mechanism to provide reasonable payroll system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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