


The Application of Principals, Leadership about the Intercommunication in the Organization




黃怡雯(Yi-Wen Huang)


組織溝通 ; 學校願景 ; 校長領導 ; organizational communication ; school vision ; principals ; leadership




51期(2007 / 09 / 01)


19 - 34




校長在面對挑戰多變的教育市場,如何扮演承上啟下的角色,經營學校並啟發成員,以領導團隊創造更高的績效。而有效溝通對校長領導而言更是保持績效的重要命脈,因為它不但能強化學校的願景,將成員與組織緊緊聯繫在一起,同時也能促進流程的改善,驅動教育績效的提升。溝通是組織的命脈,一個組織內不可能沒有溝通,學校組織領導者必需透過溝通來領導和影響成員,組織內的資訊必須經過溝通才能流通,組織也必需要透過溝通才能達成目標及計劃。 領導從溝通開始,要做卓越的領導者,必須善於溝通。所謂善於溝通,並不是指做個滔滔不絕的演說家,卓越的領導者明白:溝通必須是條有來有往的雙向管道,才能達到溝通的效果。換句話說,善用組織溝通高手的領導者,自然會成為有效能的領導者。


In the face of the challengeable, how to act the role forming a connecting link, manage the school and inspiring members, creating higher performance in order to lead the group. Communicate effectively and keeping the important lifeblood of the performance especially for headmaster's leadership, because it not only can strong chemical scene of wishing of school, link member and organization together tightly, can promote the improvement of the procedure at the same time, drive the improvement of the education performance. It is the lifeblood organized to communicate, can communicate in an organization, leadership through communicating that the school must organize the leader and influencing members, organize information in must through is it circulate to communicate, is it must need through is it reach the goal and plan to link up too to organize. The leader begins from communicating, it must must be good at communicating to be an remarkable leader. It link up to good at, is it make pieces of expansive speech house to mean while being what is called, the remarkable leader is clear, it must be a reciprocal two-way channel to communicate, could get the result of communicating. In other words, make the best of the leader whose tissue linked up the past master, will become the leader with efficiency naturally.

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