


Analysis and Improvement of School Affairs Evaluation: An Integrated Perspective on Community of Leadership




連俊智(Jun-Zhi Lian)


領導社群 ; 校務評鑑 ; 整合觀點 ; community of leadership ; school affairs evaluation ; integrated perspective




52期(2007 / 11 / 01)


287 - 308






School affairs evaluation was important that influenced school effectiveness and the momentum of continuous improvement. Unfortunately, this paper found many problems by practice action that included professional development of the new age, multi-value, politics conflict, and the improvement of structure and system. The author pointed out many ways that could be used for school affairs evaluation to apply the integrated perspective of community of leadership that including building the boundless organization, the collaboration via core value and common vision by communities leadership, the professional community with leadership capability, and policy-decision participation by community of leaders.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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