


The Prospects of Technical and Vocational School in Taiwan




曹翠英(Tsau-Ying Tsao)


技職學校 ; technical and vocational school




52期(2007 / 11 / 01)


79 - 89




面對無法阻擋的全球化風潮,臺灣技職學校,正徘徊在一個全新策略思維的十字路口,內外環境交相壓縮下,面臨險峻挑戰,也面臨睿智抉擇,是危機更是契機,就看如何引領技職教育走向願景。 若論產業升級與經濟的貢獻,民國40至50年代前後,農業逐步轉型為工業,國內產業結構正面臨技術取代勞力的關鍵,刺激產值與產量成為新興議題,臺灣的技職學校,在機會上獨占鰲頭,擁有亮麗的一片天,也是過往高等教育市場中,技術校院有別於普通大學最大的分野。 如今知識無遠弗屆的席捲全球,技職學校再創高峰,除須新思維、新視野,也須新重點方向,才能突破藩籬,迎接充滿變局的狐狸世界;而「促進技職教育的國際化」、「深化產學合作的根基」、「實踐學校本位課程的理想」,以及「力行技職教育的客觀評鑑機制」等4重點,將是建構技職新藍圖的必備核心,也是不二法門。


It meets the irresistible wave of globalization. Taiwan's technical and vocational school is hesitating at the crossroads of brand-new strategies and new ways of thinking. It is under tremendous pressures, both internally and externally. And it is time for us to make an intelligent choice. Whether it will turn out to be a crisis or a turning point depends on how we lead our technical and vocational education towards the future that we wish for. If we look back at the industrial up grading and economic contributions of the past, we can see that during those years of the 1950's and 1960's of our Republic our agriculture transformed gradually into industry. Our national production structure faced the crucial replacement of labor by technology. This has brought about the newly emerged discussion of value output and production management. Taiwan's technical and vocational education occupies a unique place in opportunities and has great potentialities. This is the dividing line that has existed in the past educational market, separating technical and vocational schools from the ordinary universities. Today, the wave of knowledge that knows no boundary sweeps across the whole globe. If we want to reach a summit in technical and vocational school, we must do the following. Apart from new ways of thinking and new visions, we must have new key directions. Only then we can break through the old barriers to embrace the cunning new world, a world so full of changes. ”To promote the internationalization of technical and vocational education”, ”to deepen the foundation of the cooperation or production with knowledge”, ”to put into practice the ideal of departmental curriculum in the school” and ”to implement an objective accredited mechanism of technical education” are the 4 key points that will form the essential core, around which the new blueprint of the structure of technical and vocational education school is to be built. This is the one and only way

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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