


The Challenge and Application of 360-Degree Leadership in the School




林煥民(Huan-Min Lin)


360°回饋評量 ; 五維管理術 ; 360°領導 ; 360-degree feedback assessment ; the 5-D management technolodgy ; 360-degree leadership




55期(2008 / 05 / 01)


124 - 141




360°領導即謂衡量組識各方面管理機制及能力,從自我管理出發,去發現自己優勢和劣勢在哪裹,從而帶動及影響組識多方面成長及發展,以建構組識較為周延的領導系統,形成高效能的領導概念。這是繼360°回饋評量、五維管理術後,企業界所推出的熱門概念。 社會上許多領導概念都有異曲同工之妙,不盡然是了解360°領導意涵,馬上去施行就會有高的效能出來,還是有一些問題必須面對。首先是去除一些領導迷思,其次要勇於面對360°而來的訊息及問題之挑戰。本文以馬斯威爾的《360度領導者:開發您在組識中的任何地方的影響力》一書之360度領導之概念,評論其與其他領導之契合性及在組識中有效領導,並期於學校的挑戰和應用。


Sequenced by 360-degree feedback assessment and 5-D management technolodgy, there is a 360-degree leadership concept followed up in business area. The 360-degree leadership means that the concepts are measured by managed mechanism and ability out of the organizations. Start from self management, find one's strengths and weaknesses, thus grow up the organization in many aspects, in order to construct perfect system to lead the organization and form with high efficient leadship. Not only so understand 360-degree leadership meaning and to go up high efficiency right now, but it still have some questions must being faced. At first you should get rid of some leadership myths, and then dare facing the challenge of the informations and questions of 360-degree, secondly. Whether this text takes concepts with John C. Maxwell's «360 leader: Develop the influence power of any place in organization of yours» that explains to its valid lead in organization, and applys to challenge and application in the school.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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