


The Study on School-based Teacher Evaluation Systems in I-lan Elementary Schools




李明怡(Ming-Yi Lee);林家煌(Chia-Huang Lin);范熾文(Chi-Win Fun)


國民小學 ; 學校本位 ; 教師評鑑 ; Elementary School ; School-based ; Teacher Evaluation




56期(2008 / 07 / 01)


185 - 214




本研究主要在探討宜蘭縣國民小學教育人員對於學校本位教師評鑑實施方式、評鑑規準、實施困難與解決策略的看法。研究方法以問卷調查法為主。研究對象以分層隨機抽樣方式,抽取宜蘭縣教育人員共489位為對象。本研究採用採用百分比、排序等統計方法,據以分析探討與檢定待答問題。本研究結論如下: 一、學校本位教師評鑑實施意見: (一)評鑑最重要的目的為提昇教師專業能力與教學品質。 (二)評鑑方式以自我評鑑與同儕視導為主。 (三)評鑑委員會最重要工作以辦理評鑑相關知能研發習或宣導活動。 (四)蒐集評鑑資料之方式以教室觀察為主。 (五)蒐集委員會成員為校內人員為主,包含一般教師、行政人員與校長。 (六)教育行政機關最重要的角色職權為提供評鑑的法源基礎與授權學校自主。 (七)校長最重要的角色職權為激勵教師專業成長並凝聚校內共識。 (八)教師最重要的角色職權為積極參與教師同儕評鑑。 (九)學校本位教師評鑑的實施階段,分別是:醞釀期、規劃期、實施期及回饋階段與常設機制期。 (十)評鑑結果之實施與運用以獎勵績優教師獲得最高分數。 (十一)評鑑實施的時間,以二學年實施一次最佳。 (十二)宜蘭縣國民小學教育人員對於實施學校本位教師評鑑制度之支持度為五成三。 二、學校本位教師評鑑實施困難與解決策略: (一)實施困難前三項為:1.教師評鑑結果與教師薪資、聘任、獎懲配合引起教師反感。2.準備評鑑時間排擠備課時間。3.校內評鑑小組缺乏評鑑專業知能。 (二)教育行政機關本身最有效解決策略前三項為:1.提供法源基礎,權力下放學校。2.擬定計畫供學校參考。3.授權學校研擬評鑑規準。 (三)學校本身最有效解決策略前三項為:1.邀集教師參與計畫之研擬,以獲得教師認同感。2.辦理相關研習活動,增進教師評鑑知能。3.擬發定具體可行的學校本位教師評鑑方案。 依據上述研究結論,本研究提出建議供學校參考。


The purpose of this research was to confer the opinions of elementary schools teachers working in Ian County regarding implementing a school-based teacher evaluation system in terms of methods, principles, difficulties and problem-solved strategies. The subjects included 489 teachers from public schools. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistic. The following were the primary conclusions for the research: 1. The methods for implementing school-based teacher evaluation: (1) The most crucial purpose was to upgrade the teaching quality and professional ability for teachers. (2) The evaluation method focuses on teacher self-appraisal and peer-guidance. (3) Teacher evaluation committee's primary work was to conduct seminars related to evaluation knowledge or promote activities. (4) The method to gather evaluation data came from classroom-observation. (5) The members of evaluation committee came mainly from campus, including general teachers, administrative employees and principal. (6) The education administrative organizations' most important job was to provide the law basis for evaluation and authorize the autonomy for school. (7) Principal's most important job was to inspire teacher's professional progress and condense the mutual understanding with the campus. (8) Teacher's most important job was to positively take part in evaluation for peer-guidance. (9) The processes for implementing school-based evaluation were: interpreting process, planning process, implementing process, feedback process and permanent process. (10) The implementation and application for evaluation result honored the best teacher with highest score. (11) The best period for implementing evaluation was two years. (12) 53 percent respondents agreed with the implementing school-based teacher evaluation. 2. Difficulties with implementing the school-based teacher evaluation system and the possible ways of solving these: (1) The major top three difficulties to put into practice are ”The consequences from teacher's evaluations result in disagreement of teachers regarding, teacher's salaries, teacher's incentive and penalties.”,” The time prepared for evaluation occupies some of the time prepared for scheduled classes.”, and ” School-based teacher evaluation assembly committee lack professional knowledge.” (2) The most effective problem-solving strategies for the education administrative organizations were” Providing law basis and giving back the power to schools.”,” Offering a reference for schools.”, and” Authorizing school draw up regulations and criteria for evaluations.” (3) The most effective problem-solving strategies for schools were ”Inviting teachers to participate in the draw-up process and gaining teacher's mutual understanding.”,” Conducting seminars and workshops to improve teacher's evaluation knowledge.”, and” Drawing up solid and workable school-based teacher evaluation system.” Based on the above conclusions, the suggestions are made for school.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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