


Empowerment with Value Creation, Strategic Alliances and Management of Featured Schools




林志成(Jyh-Cherng Lin);林仁煥(Ren-Huan Lin)


增能 ; 創價 ; 研發 ; 策略聯盟 ; 特色學校經營 ; empowerment ; value creation ; research and development ; strategic alliances ; management of featured school




58期(2008 / 11 / 01)


1 - 20






This study applied literature review, archive analyses and interviews to investigate the dilemmas of management and developmental strategies of featured schools. Due to space constraints, this article discussed empowerment with value creation, the meanings of strategic alliances, the analyses and descriptions of difficult situations and developmental strategies of featured schools. The results of archive analyses and interviews are not included in the discussion section of this paper. According to the findings of this study, the management of featured schools will face five major hard situations: 1. the concepts of featured schools need clarifying and teacher profession needs empowering; 2. Teachers' ordinary norms and mental resistance to changes need adjusting; 3. schools' characteristic positioning needs reflecting, and characteristic products need developing; 4. the mechanism of strategic alliances of industry, government and academy cooperation needs developing; 5. no resources can be kept pouring, feature management needs improving. Based on the results, five major policies for the management of featured schools are recommended: 1. enhancing communication and empowerment, strengthening the systematic thinking and curriculum research and development abilities for members; 2. opening professional conversation channels, encouraging innovation and establishing high-quality school culture; 3. setting up featured brand of the school, making the best use of the Golden Triangle of marketing, innovation and the establishment of value; 4. encouraging strategic alliances with organizations in different areas to share resources and create a win-win situation for mutual benefits; 5. continuing to promote projects and provide resources to help with the sustainable operation of featured schools. These policies are able to help along the new values of school innovative education and the schools' management dilemma of declining birthrate. They can also help school stakeholders to realize and identify with featured schools, then enhance the outstanding results of the management of featured schools.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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