


The Challenge of 360-Degree Leaders and Its Implication on Directors' Leadership in Kindergartens and Preschools




鄭如雯(Ju-Wen Cheng)


360度領導 ; 360度領導者 ; 幼托機構主管 ; 360-Degree Leadership ; 360-Degree Leader ; kindergartens' and preschools' directors




58期(2008 / 11 / 01)


119 - 132




360度領導是由John C. Maxwell(約翰•麥斯威爾)提出的概念,Maxwell認為一個360度領導者,是指從你目前在組織中所處的位置,努力的發揮你的影響,並為別人加值,學習著向上、橫向與向下領導。他深信只有360度領導者,在組織的任何層級都能影響人們。藉由幫助他人,他們也幫助了自己。 當前,少子化效應使得幼托機構經營的困難更甚以往,幼托機構主管的領導能力應超越例行式的園務管理,積極發揮全方位的影響。然而,在邁向一個360度領導者的旅程上,必然面臨諸多的考驗和挑戰,本文將先整理與闡述360度領導的意涵,評析幼托機構主管成為360度領導者的挑戰與因應,最後提出360度領導者的挑戰對幼托機構主管在領導上的啟示。


360-Degree Leadership is proposed by John C. Maxwell. Maxwell considers that a 360-Degree Leader means you try hard to develop your influence and add value for others from wherever you are in the organization. You learn to lead up, lead across, and lead down. He deeply believes only 360-Degree Leaders influence people at every level of the organization. By helping others, they help themselves. At the present day, kindergartens and preschools have more difficulties on operating their business than in the past as a result of the effect of low birth rate. Directors' leadership in kindergartens and preschools should energetically develop all-round influence to overtake routine works. However, on the journey of moving towards to be a 360-Degree Leader should face many trials and challenges. This article starts with sorting and elaborating the inner meanings of 360-Degree Leadership. Then, it explores the challenges and suggestions for directors of kindergartens and preschools to become 360-Degree Leaders. Finally, it proposes the implication on leadership for kindergartens' and preschools' directors based on the challenges of 360-Degree Leaders.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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