There are a lot of possibilities between the relationship of Central government and local governments, such as subordinating, resisting, and cooperating. The most ideal relationship is partnership. However, this concept looks easy but is hard to carry out. Sometimes, central and local governments can be competitive, but sometimes they have to cooperate with each other. In some occasions, they wrestled the other just for the authorities they want. Besides, those two often saw the different sides of a story, and then the quarrel happened. Moreover, because of sharing the same resources, giving the other an elbow is very common. Hence, to divide the authorities between central and local governments is necessary.
With the education reform and education development, choosing textbooks, mixed-ability classroom, and guidance and discipline of teachers became hot issues.
In the past, those were discussed from the education's viewpoints, but now we'd like to focus on the aspect of laws and to discuss both the conflicts between Central and local governments and the authorities belonging to whom. This article are divided into three parts: The first part is about the issue of choosing textbooks, in second part mixed-ability class is discussed with the rights to education and equal protection, and the final one is the guidance and discipline of teachers.