


An Exploratory Study of Teacher's Opinions on Incompetent Teachers in Taitung




何文馨(Wen-Shin Ho)


不適任教師 ; 教師專業能力 ; 教師道德形象 ; incompetent teachers ; teachers' professional competency ; teachers' moral standard




63期(2009 / 09 / 01)


176 - 196




本研究依據「2008年台東縣各級教師普查」資料,進行實證性之量化研究,旨在探討台東縣各級教師對不適任教師之意見,期透過本文初探性研究,拓展國內相關研究,並提供將來進行「教師專業發展」、「教師評鑑制度」、與「教師分級制度」之研究做為參考。 研究發現,大多數人認為不適任教師之認定不易。而對於教師患有嚴重影響教學之心理疾病,算是不適任教師,其比例高於教師患有身體上之疾病者。 其次,本文特別強調此次調查結果顯示:台東縣各級教師團體在認定不適任教師之定義規準上,對於教師之「道德標準」重視程度高於對教師「專業」程度之重視。對於許多報章媒體經常指出目前不適任教師之所以處理效果不彰,是「師師相護」造成的,本研究則有不同的發現。


Based on the Taitung Teachers' Survey in 2008, the purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' opinions on incompetent teachers. This study adopted literature review and questionnaire survey. The main results of this study were as follows: 1. Most teachers thought it is difficult to identify incompetent teachers. 2. They thought that the teachers suffered from mental diseases result in the instruction are incompetent teachers. Moreover, they thought that the proportion of teachers suffered from mental diseases were more than physical diseases. 3. Particularly, in terms of the identity on incompetent teachers, they pay more emphasis on teacher's moral standard than their professional competency. The result is different from media opinions that teachers protect themselves against the incompetent teachers. Finally, the author offered some suggestions to future studies about teachers' professional development, teachers' evaluation, and career ladder program of the teachers as reference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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