


The Principle's Reflection of Career and Professional Development~ Case study




陳郁汝(Yu-Ju Chen)


生涯反思 ; 專業發展 ; 個案研究 ; Reflection of career ; Professional Development ; Case study




63期(2009 / 09 / 01)


67 - 94




從日出日落的每一天尋找校長辦公室的那個人,尋找個案校長的意義過程,探究校長在個人專業發展的實際作為,針對個案校長進行田野研究,了解領導者如何校長生涯的反思與專業發展。研究方法採用質性研究,透過深度訪談、現場觀察與文件分析的研究法,引用C II架構包含1.情境因素(context):學校、社會教育與變革;2.關鍵影響因素(influence):型塑專業發展的實踐層面;3.主觀的覺知(intuition):洞析教育現場的概念與問題。研究預期研究貢獻如下:1.文獻探究分析校長專業學習成長的策略。2.探討國小校長專業發展的困境與因應策略。3.整合校長生涯反思方式以達成專業發展的策略,分析與詮釋其對領導者的影響。


Look for that person of the office of a principal every day of the sunset since the sunrise, look for the meaning course of the case- principal, it probe into principal at reality that is the personal to be professional for development as, carry on to case principal by field research, understand what introspection and principal's career the leader develops. The research approach adopts the quality to study, through deep interview, observe the research law analyzed with the document, quote CII structure and include the situational factor (context) School, social education and change; Key influence factor (influence) The type moulds the practice aspect of professional development; Subjective awareness (intuition). The hole analyses concept and question of the educational scene. Study and is expected to study and contribute it as follows: 1. The literature is probed into analyzes the tactics that principal's academic program grows up. 2, Probe into principal's professional predicament of development and. Combine principal's career review way in order to reach professional tactics of development, analyze and annotate its impact on leader.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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