Storytelling leadership is a new idea for principal. To study the weighted indicator system of elementary school principal's storytelling leadership competence will be useful for competence certification and educational programs. The study used ANP and AHP with investigation from 815 school educators, to understand the importance of elementary school principal's storytelling leadership competence indicators and its weighted indicator system. The results indicated that the importances of ”storytelling cognitions” and ”storytelling abilities” are larger than ”leadership performance”. Three dimensions and 11 sub-dimensions were positive correlated. One weighted indicator system of principal storytelling leadership competence in elementary schools was proposed. These indicators' weights between ANP and AHP were little different. The impacts among various sub-dimensions showed that the importance of ”storytelling cognitions” and ”storytelling abilities” were highest in all dimensions, and the importances of ”story essentials”, ”storytelling conditions” and ”story functions” were the highest in the total sub-dimensions.
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