In recent years the issue of digital divide has been highly discussed and at the same time the government has put efforts on extensive surveys as well as the resources implementation. However, little has been mentioned in the area of the compulsory education. It is essential to pay attention on the issue of the digital divide especially on the role of the teachers of compulsory education. This study will integrate relevant documents and literature of the level of teachers' digital divide, information literacy and attitudes towards information technology integrated into teaching. From the basic point of view, the researcher proposes some suggestions in improving digital divide of the teachers of compulsory education and information technology integrated into teaching for the references of the authority and the teachers' of compulsory education. First, suggestions for the authority: The government compiles a lot of budgets to purchase information equipment in order to fill up the gaps between cities and countries. For example, the policy of the digital chance center in rural areas provide equipment but lack manpower, maintenance, and go out of use; in addition, due to the fact of the speed of eliminating information of equipment. These budgets spend little at the crucial point; hence, the cultivation of manpower, the construction of the foundation and the follow-up maintenance, these three respects, should be paid attention, just as using the drip irrigation to plant crops generally, and offer constant treatment with the same water yield.
Second, suggestions for the teachers of compulsory education: Questions of different information equipment and the recent problems of the usage of network are not existing for nowadays teachers of compulsory education. However, it is essential to change concepts on this issue. Facing the idea of ”the aboriginal of the network”, teachers can enrich information technology literacy and think carefully the innovating way of teaching in order to give play to information to incorporate the value of teaching.
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