


A Study on the Contents of Teachers' Well-being




邱惠娟(Hui-Chuan Chiu);童心怡(Hsin-Yi Tung)


教師 ; 快樂 ; 幸福感 ; Teachers ; Happiness ; Well-being




67期(2010 / 05 / 01)


168 - 180






Teachers' well-being is about how feeling and satisfaction that teachers subjectively evaluate their own emotions, life satisfaction, and physical and mental health. Teachers in our society are endued with many missions and responsibilities. Their behaviors are always concerned by the public. Therefore, teachers play an important role in education. However, education is a two-way interactive process between teachers and students. If teachers could feel happy in their career, they will be probably enthusiastic and energetic about teaching. Teachers directly and indirectly influence and motivate their students to sincerely love learning. Hence, understanding teachers' well-being and its relative contents will become very significant. According to this, this study is aimed to enunciate the meaning and contents of well-being first; secondly probe into the relative factors that affect teachers' well-being, and finally pose some strategies to improve teachers' well-being.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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