


Analyzing Teacher Professional Identity from Life Politics Perspectives




楊智雄(Chih-Hsiung Yang)


九年一貫課程 ; 生活政治 ; 能動 ; 專業學習社群 ; 解放政治 ; agency ; emancipatory politics ; life politics ; nine-year integrated curriculum policy ; professional learning community




67期(2010 / 05 / 01)


31 - 50




本研究借用生活政治觀點,以國小專業學習社群之教師共4 人進行個案研究,描述他們在專業發展過程的知覺、情感與行動。早期教師專業認同之研究係採取解放政治觀點,聚焦消滅階級、反剝削及反壓迫等議題,關注自主、平等、參與、啟蒙與自我彰權之概念,前述解放政治的發展過程,已然拓植教師對教學自主空間,將專業交還自己。幾年來九年一貫課程所帶動之教育改革已從激情轉向溫和,促使本土教師具備高度反思性,從關心自己生存環境出發,彙集出一股能動性,解決利益對立及價值衝突,重新確認教師在學校生活世界的位置,以催化參與政治的美感。


The purpose of the research is to carry out a case study from elementary school teachers in the professional learning community with interpretation of perceptions, emotions, and actions in the process of professional development from life politics approaches. Early teacher professional identity researches which were taken the perspectives of emancipatory politics focused on the eradication of social class, anti-exploitation, and counter-suppression. Paying attention to issues such as autonomy, equality, participation, enlightenment and self-empowerment, it had developed teacher's awareness and handed over profession to one's own. However, the educational reforms led by nine-year integrated curriculum policy facilitating local teachers highly reflexivity, caring for his own living environments, and formulating the agency in solution to the opposition between the interests and values had been removed from the furious push steering a mild situation in recent years. Moreover, it had reaffirmed the teachers' position in their school life world, and fostered esthetics in participation with politics.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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