This study is aimed to investigate the relationships among Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, and School Competitive Advantages in the Elementary schools of Yilan County. The primary research methods employed include literature review and quantitative research methods. For the quantitative research method, a survey was conducted in Yilan county by sampling 526 in-service teachers from a population of 2053 teachers in 75 public elementary schools. 425 responses were recognized as valid and analyzed via descriptive statistics, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Scheffé methods, Pearson product-moment correlation, and MultipleRegression. Based on the statistical results, four conclusions were found: 1) Teachers perceived a moderate degree of associations among principals' transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and school competitive advantages in pre- and in-service teaching education training. 2) There is no significant difference of the principals' transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and school competitive advantages among different genders, age, career, education, and positions. However, teachers who teachers in a small school have higher sense of the principals’ transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and school competitive advantages. 3) The principals who have higher scores of transformational leadership and transactional leadership tend to have better scores of school's competitive advantages. 4) The principals who could utilize leading strategies, such as reasonable encouragement, ex ceptional management, and sharing visions, tend to help enhance school's competitive advantages. The influences of reasonable encouragement were found to be the most significant.
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