


A Study of Students' Evaluation on Teacher's Teaching-Taking a University of Science and Technology in Southern Taiwan as an Example




張媛甯(Yuan-Ning Chang);吳紋菁(Wun-Jing Wu)


學生評鑑教師教學 ; 教學評鑑 ; 有效教學 ; students' evaluation on teacher's teaching ; teaching evaluation ; effective teaching




77期(2012 / 01 / 01)


158 - 181






The purpose of this research is to analyze the relations between students' evaluation on teachers' teaching and students' demography factors by taking a university of technology in southern Taiwan as an example. Based on the analyses, the research results are listed below: The results of students for teaching performance evaluation, only teaching attitude, teaching preparation and teaching content dimensions were up to standard; students of two-year bachelor's program had higher significant differences than four-year ones; senior students had higher significant differences than junior ones; students' evaluation on teacher's teaching result in the college of management was higher than other colleges; the students' evaluation on teacher's teaching in electives courses was higher than required courses; seminar courses had higher significant differences than others; studying interest revealed best significant predictors of students' evaluation on teacher's teaching. The study offered some implications for the implementation of teaching evaluation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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