


A Study on Special Power Relation and the Protection of Basic Human Rights of Secondary and Elementary School Students-Focus on the J.Y. Interpretation No. 684




蔡玲玲(Lin-Lin Tsai)


特別權力關係 ; 基本人權 ; 釋字第六八四號解釋 ; special power relation ; basic human rights ; J.Y. Interpretation No. 684




79期(2012 / 05 / 01)


199 - 215






This examines special power relation and the protection of basic human rights of secondary and elementary school students from the perspective of J.Y. Interpretation No. 684. By using document analysis method, the origin and meaning of special power relation are first discussed, followed by a comparison drawn between J.Y. Interpretation No. 684 and J.Y. Interpretation No. 382. The protection and restriction of the basic human rights of secondary and elementary school students are examined. Case studies of the protection of the basic human rights of the U.S. secondary and elementary school students are also analyzed. Finally, the conclusion of protecting the basic human rights of secondary and elementary school students is drawn. The author hopes that this study can arouse people’s attention to the basic human rights of secondary and elementary school students and the name correction of the future Justice interpretation. By returning the basic human rights prescribed under the Constitution and the Basic Law of Education to the future masters of the nation, secondary and elementary school students are well protected by the rule of law.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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