The purpose of this thesis is based on using common consciousness to explore mental model of elementary school teachers, and developing a scale for measuring it.A two-stage research approach was adopted. In the first stage, literature and related data were reviewed; in-depth interview and semi-structured questionnaire were used to collect data from 44 teachers. The collected data was used to develop a questionnaire used in the second stage.In the second stage, a pretest of the questionnaire was conducted to eliminate inappropriate items, and exploratory factor analysis was performed. Then the final questionnaire was administered to collect data from 1197 teachers. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test the goodness of fit, reliability, and validity of the questionnaire.Based on the results, the research proposes the following conclusion:1. According to the qualitative research, 6 factors that influence the formation of mental model were found. These factors are ”learning and growth experience”, ”critical thinking experience”, ”environment interaction experience”, ”professional development experience”, ”role-play experience” and ”work experience”.2. Nine factors in 35 items were found to affect mental model of elementary school teachers. These factors are ”subjective happiness”, ”feeling of being trusted”, ”need to be in control”, ”experience management”, ”need to be trusted”, ”acceptance of reality”, ”relationship between self and group”, ”feeling of being respected”, and ”personal view”.3. The analysis results suggested that the scale featured a high level of goodness of fit, reliability, and validity. Hence, the scale could be a reference or a tool for test mental model of elementary school teachers.4. The overall level of elementary school teachers' mental model factors are above average. The performance of the level on ”subjective happiness”, ”experience management”, ”need to be trusted” and ”feeling of being respected” are the highest among all of the 9 factors.5. Elementary school teachers' mental model factors are varies with their gender, years of service and the positions. According to the major findings and conclusions of the research, suggestions are offered for educational practice and further researchers' reference.
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