


The Types, Process and Development Strategy of School Characteristics of Senior High School




林志成(Chih-Cheng Lin);李重毅(Chung-Yi Li)


十二年國教 ; 特色學校 ; 特色課程 ; 學校特色 ; Twelve-year Basic Education ; characteristic school ; characteristic curriculum ; school ; school characteristics




85期(2013 / 05 / 16)


1 - 23






Because of the impact of low birth rate, the increasing awareness of school choice, and the emphasis on the school administration efficiency, schools nowadays have to follow the trend, display their unique characteristics, and enhance the school competitiveness, so as to win the recognition of parents in the community and attract more students to enter the school. The main theme of this article is to describe the development of school characteristics. It first briefly defines school characteristics, including its definition, concepts and functions. Then, it will go through the principles and process of development of school characteristics. Finally, the article will be wrapped up with eight leading strategies for the school characteristics development. The eight leading strategies are as follows. First, based on the different resources and merits each school has, the administration leader should lead a school on the basis of its individual characteristics. Second, strengthen teaching expertise, enhance teacher empowerment and develop school characteristics. Third, construct teachers' professional learning community, encourage teachers to share knowledge and further promote their expertise. Third, inspire teachers to teach in an innovative way, mapping out curricula based on school features. Fourth, encourage creative and innovative teaching styles based on the school characteristics. Help create school-centered curricula. Fifth, integrate school characteristics into teaching, help build reputation of schools and promote education based on individual school features. Sixth, make use of strategic alliances, create a win-win situation, and help enhance educational value. Seventh, use TQM and characteristics evaluation to make an everlasting school cultural system. Eighth, follow the procedures of school features development, and take every step carefully to build reputation for the school brand.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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