


How May a School Carry out Its School Affairs Evaluation Policies: Take Elementary Schools in New Taipei City as an Example




陳寶山(Pao-Shan Chen)


新北市 ; 國民小學 ; 評鑑 ; 校務評鑑 ; 校務評鑑政策 ; New Taipei City ; Elementary School ; Evaluation ; School Affairs Evaluation ; School Affairs Evaluation Policy




86期(2013 / 07 / 01)


151 - 178




教育是傳承、分享、扶持與協助的歷程,教育活動是一種追求正向價值的規範歷程與效果,本身即含有濃厚的價值規範意義。品質是價值與尊嚴的起點與保障,隨著時代、地區、文化等不同背景,教育品質與成效的考評方式或有其差異,但對教育品質與成效的關注與期待並無不同。透過有效而合理的校務評鑑(School affairs evaluation)過程,或許可以幫助學校改進相關教育措施,發展與改進教學,達到學校教育的目標。新北市政府教育局為因應學校教育發展與改革需求,規劃新一波國民中小學校務評鑑,協助學校蒐集整理校務相關資料,瞭解與分析學校辦學現況,具體呈現辦學績效,以及瞭解教育政策執行情形、相關人員對學校辦學與教育政策的看法與評價,作為政策規劃、修正與協助學校改進辦學的參考,藉以激勵校務精進與提升辦學品質。本文從學校如何執行校務評鑑政策的層面進行討論,提出若干具體執行方法,以提供後續受評學校之參考。


Education is the course of passing on, sharing, supporting and helping. The educational activities are a course of pursuing positive norm of value and effect; education itself contains the strong meaning of norm of value. Quality is the starting point and guarantee of value and dignity. With such different backgrounds as era, area, culture, etc., the methods we use to evaluate educational quality and effect may be different, but our concern and expectation toward educational quality and effect are identical. Through the process of effective and rational school affairs evaluation, we can likely help the school to improve its relevant educational measures, develop and improve teaching as well as to reach its goal of school education. To cater to school educational development and the demand of reformation, the Bureau of Education of New Taipei City has mapped out a new series of school affairs evaluation for municipal junior high and primary schools. The Bureau has also helped the schools to collect and arrange the relevant materials of school affairs, to understand and analyze the present running situation of the school, to concretely present the results of school running as well as to understand how they carry out education policies, the viewpoints and appraisal of relevant personnel toward school running and education policies so that the Bureau can use the data as references for policy planning, revision and assisting the school to improve its running. By doing so, the improvement of school affairs and the quality of school running can be reached. This paper discussed from the aspects of how a school may carry out its school affairs evaluation policies and proposed several concrete methods for carrying them out. Hopefully, the proposals can be used as a reference by the schools to be evaluated in the near future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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