


The Impacts of the Digital Administrative Infrastructure on the Digital Administrative Accountability for Early Childhood Educators: The Mediations of Digital Useful Value and Digital Professional Performance




陳儒晰(Ru-Si Chen);簡宏江(Hung-Chiang Chien)


幼教人員 ; 數位行政建設 ; 數位行政績效 ; 數位專業表現 ; 數位實用價值 ; Early childhood educators ; Digital administrative infrastructure ; Digital administrative accountability ; Digital professional performance ; Digital useful value




90期(2014 / 03 / 01)


85 - 107






This study explores the early childhood educators' attitudes toward about the impact factors of using digital administration to assist administrative management and accountability in HsinChu and MiaoLi areas by questionnaire survey. A questionnaire was developed, and consisted of four factors, including digital administrative infrastructure, digital administrative accountability, digital useful value, and digital professional performance, and employing structural equation modeling to analyze the data. According to the results, this study shows that early childhood educators' considerations about the reasonable infrastructure about digital administrative equipments positively influence their intentions about the development of management efficiency and administrative accountability. The impacts were mediated by their useful value and professional performance with the use of digital administration in kindergartens. Finally, this study discusses the findings and proposes the relevant suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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