


The Wisdom and Thinking Models of Heart Sutra for the Leadership of Principals




陳松宜(Sung-I Chen)


校長領導 ; 佛教 ; 心經 ; 思維模式 ; principal leadership ; Buddhism ; Heart Sutra ; models of thinking




91期(2014 / 05 / 01)


57 - 73






The Heart Sutra is a very short abstract of MahāprajnāpāramitāSūtra (Sutra of supreme wisdom) that includes all the wisdom systems of Buddhism. As an abstract, the Heart Sutra describes briefly about each wisdom system and their practicing and achieving methods. We apply the wisdom systems mentioned in Heart Sutra and make transformations of the systems as a toolbox of leadership for the principals on their daily use. There are at least seven systems discussed in the Heart Sutra. (1) The Five Aggregates, the wisdom of analyzing the structures or components of an object or a phenomenon. (2) The Principle of Middle Way, the wisdom of avoiding the extremities. (3) The Four Forms, the wisdom of thinking from different viewpoints. (4) The Eighteen Realms, the wisdom of properly experiencing inner or outer environment. (5) The Twelve Links, the wisdom of analyzing a process or an arising phenomenon. (6) The Four Noble Truths, the wisdom of resolving a problem. (7) The Principle of Emptiness, the wisdom of understanding the nature of every phenomenon. Though, these wisdom systems are thought to be hermitic, yet they can be secular as well. By using the toolbox with practicing cases of leadership for the principals developed in this study, the common problems encountered during the management of schools or organizations are overcome promisingly.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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