


Social Support and Coping Strategies of Students from China in Taiwan-A case of Private University of Technology




陳怡如(Yi-Ju Chen);余元傑(Yuan-Chieh Yu)


來臺陸生 ; 社會支持 ; 生活因應方式 ; Students from China in Taiwan ; Social Support ; Coping Strategies




92期(2014 / 07 / 16)


65 - 84






This study was to examine the social support and coping strategies of the students from China in Taiwan. According to the research findings and conclusions, the study made some suggestions for the universities and educational administration. To reach this purpose, the questionnaire survey was employed. Four private universities of technology with the students who came from China and 196 samples were collected by purposive sampling. Instruments were included two scales: Social Supports Scale and Coping Strategies Scale. The method used to analyze the data were percentage, average value, standard deviation, t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. "Emotional support" was the main resources and assistance of students from China in Taiwan. 2. Female, students of short-term study and stays exceeding three months had more social support. 3. "Reproach the negative emotions of others" was the main way of coping of students from China in Taiwan. 4. Female students were inclined to adopt coping strategies than male students. 5. There were a positive and significant correlation between social support and coping strategies. The research suggested that schools should provide social support resources and establish a peer support system that could help students develop positive coping strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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