


The Research on the Development of the Fundamental Right to Education




蘇鈺楠(Yu-Nan Su)


教育基本權 ; 教育法學 ; 人權教育 ; The Fundamental Right to Education ; Legal Science of Education ; Human Rights Education




94期(2014 / 11 / 01)


104 - 122






It is a common view in the worldwide that the fundamental right to education is the basic human right and can define the nature of education itself. Tracing the developments of fundamental right to education, it is clearly that the achievement of above common view has been developed in long time. Firstly, this research tries to take historical aspect to understand the idea, and analyzes what statements have been demonstrated under the universal trend, which including the three developments, education as personal matter, as obligation on people, as one of basic human rights. Also, there are eight aspects resulted from U.N. as common view to the world. Lastly, the author also studies the educational implication about the fundamental right to education and educational administration for better understanding on the topic.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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