


The Problems and Resolutions of Applying Agency Theory to School Organizations




黃啟晉(Chi-Jin Huang)


代理理論 ; 逆向選擇 ; 道德危機 ; 學校組織 ; agency theory ; adverse selection ; moral hazard ; school organization




94期(2014 / 11 / 01)


123 - 141






In recent years, agency theory under new institutional economics has become one of the important research topics in economics. As schools belong to units of agency agreements, the combination of original educational administration concepts with the essentially realistic agency theory is expected to effectively improve principals’ management of school administration. While using agency theory to analyze school organization has its applicability and dominance, schools being nonprofit organizations are inclined to encounter serious agency problems, such as the formation of adverse selection, moral hazard, and conflict between objectives and interests. This article outlined the possible measures to prevent the occurrence of failure in school organizations. For example, the principal's screening of teacher information, the principal's appropriate utilization of separating equilibrium, teachers' active initiation of signaling, the persistent intervention of educational administrative agencies, the principal's supervision mechanism on teachers, the availability of appropriate incentives, the promotion and establishment of teachers' reputation, the implementation of management by objectives to combine the members' objectives with the organization's, and the establishment of school teams through psychological contract, provide sufficient references for the principal to design effective mechanisms and guidelines.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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