


Are You Happy, Teachers?-A Case Study on Well-Being of Elementary School Teachers




黃薏蒨(Yi-Chien Huang);賴志峰(Chih-Feng Lai)


教師幸福感 ; 個案研究 ; teachers' well-being ; case study




95期(2015 / 01 / 01)


182 - 204






The purpose of this study is to explore teachers' well-being in terms of occupational characteristics, personality traits and organization characteristics of elementary school. A case study had been implemented through the qualitative method of interviewing with eleven Yang-Guan Elementary School teachers. The interview data was then analyzed, and the findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1.Job satisfaction and job engagement are the promoting factors of well-being. 2. Positive character traits enhance the problem solving ability of teachers. 3. Harmonious interpersonal relationship and social support enable teachers to focus on their work without worries. 4.With a positive organizational culture, teachers will be willing to do their best for schools. According to the results, this study provides suggestions for the teachers of case study school, and the case study school.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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