


The Revelation of Constructing School Intellectual Capital Indicators for the Principal's School Management




那昇華(Sheng-Hua Ny);陳木金(Mu-Jin Chen);洪毓琄(Yu-Chuan Hong)


學校智慧資本指標 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; School intellectual capital indicator ; confirmatory factor analysis




98期(2015 / 07 / 01)


23 - 44






This study focused on the revelation of constructing school intellectual capital indicators for the principal's school management. There are three main findings: First, the purpose of this study through literature reviews were to construct school intellectual capital indicators which consist of five dimensions: human capital, structural capital, customer capital, innovation capital, and process capital. Secondly, 360 elementary school teachers in Keelung City participated in filling out pre-test questionnaires; their responses were used to construct the school intellectual capital indicators. Finally, 180 elementary school teachers in Keelung City participated in the process of confirmatory factor analysis. Through this, the study found that its data was satisfactory in regards to the preliminary fit criteria, overall model fit, and fit of internal structure of model; thus the constructed school intellectual capital indicators of this study were effective and recommended to schools for use. In conclusion, based on the results of this study, suggestions and potential areas of improvements are provided to the educational administrative institutions, elementary schools, and principals.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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