


A Study of Pre-service Elementary Teacher Students' Core Competences Development and the Construction of Employability-oriented Teacher Education Program




簡梅瑩(Mei-Ying Chien);潘文福(Wen-Fu Pan)


國小師資生 ; 教育目標 ; 核心能力 ; 課程規劃 ; pre-service elementary teacher students ; educational targets ; core competences ; curriculum planning




99期(2015 / 09 / 16)


1 - 21






There has been an imbalance between the demand and supply of teaching workforce since 2004 in Taiwan, and so many newly qualified teachers have been left out of teaching workplace. Hence, there is a need for teacher training institutes to evaluate their curriculum planning and enhance students' training. This research aimed to focus on one pre-service elementary teacher education program provided by one teacher training institute at a national university. A questionnaire survey was conducted with undergraduates, alumni and their employers for their opinions on the educational targets, core competences, and curriculum planning set for this program. The total research samples included in this research are 237; it is found: 1. There is a significant difference between 3 groups of research samples on the educational targets and core competences meeting the professional demands required for elementary schools, and curriculum planning meeting the core competences development; 2. There is a consistent agreement among 3 groups of research samples on the importance of educational targets and core competences for developing students’ profession, but there is an inconsistent agreement on the importance of curriculum planning; 3. There is a consistent agreement among 3 groups of research samples on the teachers teaching at remote schools to have compassion for disadvantaged groups and their profession can be aided by attending seminars.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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