


To Create Campus Classrooms the Students Lovely go to School-Take Nan-Shi Elementary School for Example




劉雲傑(Yun-Chieh Liu)


生態綠廊 ; 永續校園 ; 校園規劃 ; 環境教育 ; Green gallery of ecology ; Sustainable campus ; Campus plan ; Environmental education




99期(2015 / 09 / 16)


146 - 173




南勢國小座落在「不山不市」缺乏環境資源,學生眾多、空間擁擠,以及文化環境不利的地區。學校經營要有特色,進而獲致良好的校譽風評,無非是一項挑戰。「打造一所孩子喜歡上學的校園教室」便是扭轉乾坤的契機,這一系列的校園教室係以「No Child Left Inside」為核心理念,輔以「功能先於形式」的觀點,利用「永續校園改造」的技術,建置「南勢生態文化綠廊」,進而帶出四大教學園區,以實踐「環境即是教材,教學利用環境」的理念;並依據「教學園區」與「校園生態環境」合力編製「南勢校園環境教學手冊」,有組織地安排「教科書以外」的活動課程;讓學生「走出教室」在真實的環境中學習,接觸不同面向的學習內容,開發學生感官體驗、主動探索、合作學習與解決問題的學習力,讓師生發揮熱情創意有了具體的舞台,讓我們的下一代,在迎向充滿挑戰的未來之前,培養出更具創意與多元的智能。


Nan Shi elementary school located in a suburb was encountering an obstacle. With its inadequate natural resources and overflowing student population, Nan Shi elementary school was at a disadvantage in appealing its reputation to the locals. The mission of Nan Shi elementary school, however, is to provide a well-organized and comprehensive educational system with the core value of "No Child Left Inside" subbing with the idea of "form follows function." Adapting the reconstructive technique of sustainable campus, Nan Shi elementary school established its very first "Green Gallery of Eco-Culture." The success of this application inspires us to further introduce the program of "Four Teaching Themes Park," to help us put the idea of using nature in lessons into practice. The appliance of the different theme parks and the unique ecosystem on campus allowed us to create the Nan Shi Teaching Handbook of Campus Environment, which not only help maximize the benefits of these programs but also enhance the management of our outdoor lessons. With the notion of "natural spaces offer a sense of authenticity for the learning," we believe that only through an outdoor classroom setting can students have a chance to be actively involved in the community, learn teamwork and problem solving skills, and finally explore and experience this universe with their own sensations. Together, we transform the disadvantages into success and create an institution where teacher and students' enthusiasm for knowledge and creativities can be fully expressed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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