


Contemporary Accountability Leadership: Concept, Theory and Inspiration for Principal Leadership




張文權(Wen-Cheng Chang);陳慧華(Hui-Hua Chen);范熾文(Chi-Wen Fan)


績效責任 ; 校長領導 ; 校長績效責任領導 ; accountability ; principal leadership ; principal accountability leadership




101期(2016 / 01 / 16)


34 - 54






Given the impact of low birth rates and education reform, formulating new ideas on principal leadership is crucial for enhancing school performance. Accountability leadership, which emphasizes concepts such as responsibility, commitment-trust, openness, consistency, active response, and empowerment, is an emerging leadership theory in the corporate domain that can inspire new principal leadership models. This study investigates concepts and theories related to accountability leadership and how this type of leadership inspires principal leadership. In particular, we first explore the meaning of accountability leadership and then analyze the content of principal accountability leadership. Subsequently, the theoretical bases of accountability leadership, and the importance of principal leadership are elucidated. Finally, this study summarizes the implications of accountability leadership for principal leadership, and provides a conclusion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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