


The Large National Primary and Secondary School Studies of Dilemma IT Applications and Solutions Strategies




張臺隆(Tai-Long Chang);張文權(Eric Chang)


國民中小學 ; 大型學校 ; 資訊科技應用 ; National primary and secondary schools ; Large schools ; IT applications




102期(2016 / 03 / 16)


45 - 64






This study aimed to explore the large national primary and secondary schools to promote "IT applications" and solving strategies. Research object is the Principal of "large schools", director, teacher-based information, research methods using grounded theory study. Results were as follow: Promote the plight of First, Competent enough attention and support of the Principle; Weak administrative and teaching links; Second, Class teachers ' information literacy in insufficient for information education policy had a negative attitude; Final, The old phenomenon of the information equipment. Solution First, School managers will be support for information technology applications; school to set a clear target applications with access to resources, driving school teacher to do the I T education; Second, We hold the workshop to improve literacy and increase willingness and attitude via community organizations; Final, Proactively seek funding for the purchase of a good IT equipment

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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