


The Study of Constructing Learning Environment Indicators for Principals' Instruction Leadership




陳木金(Mu-Jin Chen);吳堂鐘(Tang-Jung Wu);吳慧蘭(Hui-Lan Wu)


學習環境 ; 教學領導 ; learning environment ; instruction leadership




104期(2016 / 07 / 16)


15 - 38






The main purpose of this study is to construct learning environment indicators for instruction leadership. Firstly, there are consisting of three dimensions: (1) classroom decoration, (2)teacher-student interaction, (3) learning atmosphere. Secondly, “The Index of The Learning Environment Questionnaire” was adopted as the methods to collect the data from 257 students in junior high school in New Taipei City for the study. Statistical methods and confirmatory factor analysis were adopted to analyze collected data. The main findings are as follows: (1) According to critical ratio analysis, the item discrimination is good. (2) The Cronbach’s analysis shows good reliability. (3) The fit indexes such as SRMR, GFI, RMSEA, IFI, TLI, CFI, PGFI, PNFI, PCFI, X2/DF all show good suitability and fitness of the dimensions and items. Thirdly, after conducting difficulty analysis, reliability and validity analysis, the major findings of the study were as follows:1. Index of the learning environment has a good reliability; 2. Every dimension of the learning environment has a good reliability; 3. Every dimension of the learning environment has a good relation and inner construct. 4. Result of the confirmatory factor analysis reveals that the learning environment and the three dimensions have a good construct validity. In conclusion, the index of the learning environment questionnaire and the three dimensions of the learning environment theory, classroom decoration, interaction of teacher-student, learning atmosphere are suitable for reference and applicable in the instruction leadership of the principal. Optimization learning environment is a good idea for school man agement, principals of schools can also practice this strategy for instruction leadership in managing school.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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