


Using Social Network Analysis to Study the Relationships among Learning Leadership, Technology Leadership and Other Variables




葉連祺(Lain-Chyi Yeh)


學習領導 ; 科技領導 ; 校長領導 ; 社會網絡分析 ; leadership for learning ; learning leadership ; principal leadership ; social network analysis ; technology leadership




107期(2017 / 01 / 16)


59 - 82






Both learning leadership and technology leadership are important topics in educational leadership studies, also all benefit to the developments of school education. Several studies discussed the related variables and earning leadership and technology leadership, but their findings were various. It is necessary to integrate and infer the variables' relationships. The study focused on discussing the influential relationships between learning leadership and technology leadership. Based on the findings from Google Scholar Search, both learning leadership and technology leadership had two different terminologies and three meanings. Using theoretical analysis, various available relationships were revealed between learning leadership and technology leadership. Social network analysis was used to synthesize the findings of themes, and deduce various available methods to study the relationships between variables. Furthermore a systematic analytic idea and analytic procedure were proposed. Based upon review the findings of thesis in Taiwan, it showed both learning leadership and technology leadership were correlated with other variables. Technology leadership worked as antecedent variable or outcome variable. The network showed various influence relationships in Technology leadership and other variables which were loose. Many topics about learning leadership and technology leadership can be studied in future. Moreover some available relationships among learning leadership, technology leadership and other variables in future studies based on index analysis were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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