This paper explores the roles and attitudes of teacher in the communication between parents and teachers, especially the construction of teachers' feelings of emotion as the most important opportunity to resolve the parent-teacher conflicts. In this paper, we first discuss the literature to establish the theoretical basis, then take the focus of the interview, visit the two parents and a teacher, one of the parents had a conflict with the teacher, the contents of the interview as the information discussed in this article. The study found that the teacher's "passion" and "caring" emotional characteristics were the most important way to avoid the parent-teacher conflicts. Finally, this paper proposes four suggestions to avoid the parent-teacher conflicts. □1□Conducting emotional training and workshops studies to improve teacher's emotional knowledge. □2□To encourage teachers to set up professional community, to build their own enthusiasm and caring qualities of affection. □3□The policy should encourage teachers to communicate with their parents, not only to promote the trust of both parties, but also to enhance and experience of teachers to share. □4□The principal should become a model and construct a warm and supportive administrative system to solve the difficulties of communicating with their parents.
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