


Investigating Leadership for Learning from the Perspective of School Change






學習領導 ; 學習共同體 ; 學校變革 ; leadership for learning ; learning community ; school change




110期(2017 / 07 / 16)


1 - 23




人類社會進入二十一世紀,在國際間檢視學生學習成就的評比,以及第四波工業革命興起的脈絡下,學習領導呈現其時代的關鍵意義。尤其此概念在講求權力下放與績效責任的教改環境中,成為學校進行變革與發展的新取徑(approach)。而在本土脈絡中實踐學習領導,學習共同體(learning community)可作為一項具體的操作形式。本文為從學校變革觀點闡釋學習領導,以三部分進行論述。首先鋪陳學習領導在西方的發展;其次分析在將學習領導作為學校變革取徑時,可作為視鏡的理論觀點;最後則說明以學校為基地,如何推動學習領導下的學習共同體。


Entering the 21st century, leadership for learning has its significance in the context of international assessment of student achievement and the fourth revolution of industry. Especially under the trend of decentralization and the pressure of accountability, leadership for learning has become an effective approach of school change. To materialize the concept of leadership for learning, "learning community' is used an operational form in the local context. The paper discussed from the perspective of school change covers three parts. First of all, the development of leadership for learning is explored. Secondly, four theoretical perspectives as analytical lens to investigate leadership for learning are introduced. Finally, using the school as a base to implement learning community is analyzed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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