In 1985, fulltime athletic coaches at school program was officially launched in a bid to enhance the overall performance of competition sports. Thereafter, the revisions of National Sports Act and Act of Governing the Appointment of Educators in 2003 provided fulltime athletic coaches program with legal basis where the coaches are employed by the government with a more established system including employment process, equities and performance evaluation authorized on a basis of Regulations Governing Employment of Fulltime Athletic Coaches at School amended in 2008. Further amendments occurred in 2008 and 2013 to advance the design of the program. Yet, there still exists discrepancies between teacher program and coach program varying from the rank of salary, external perquisites, evaluation policy, description of duty, and the current administrative remedy. This study aims to, from the viewpoints of several acts with respect to coach program, analyze the historical development of those amendments to elicit the implying information as suggestions for further improvements on the fulltime athletic coaches at school program to seek for a commensurate design of system with teacher system, finally, suggestions and practical implications of the research full-time athletic coaches system of the equity for port authorities are discussed.