
應用Google Trends研究教育管理時尚


Using Google Trends to Study Educational Management Fashion




葉連祺(Lain-Chyi Yeh)


管理時尚 ; 谷歌趨勢 ; 教育管理 ; management fashion ; Google Trends ; educational management




115期(2018 / 05 / 16)


156 - 174




管理時尚已成為管理研究主題,而教育管理時尚則有待探討,Google Trends已用於分析管理時尚,當能適用於分析教育管理時尚。本文結合管理時尚和Google Trends研究成果,提出以Google Trends分析教育管理時尚的新思維和方法。對此,綜合提出管理時尚理論和相關研究,闡述教育管理時尚的意涵和構成要件,指出相關分析可思考事項。另檢視Google Trends功能、分析策略、分析流程、分析決策體系,並指出六項限制。最後提出Google Trends在教育管理時尚研究的四類分析類型和應用架構,配合四個實例,說明如何應用Google Trends探討教育管理時尚。


Management fashion is a research topic for management, but not yet for educational management fashion. Google Trends has used to analysis educational fashion as well as use to study educational management fashion. The study integrated the findings from management fashion and Google Trends, and proposed some new thinking and methods for educational management fashion. Therefore the theoretic bases and related researches for educational management fashion were discussed. The meanings, contents and configure requirements in educational management fashion as well as other useful relative thinking were all interpreted. Moreover several functions, analytic strategies, analytic procedures and a decision system for analysis were proposed, as well as six limitations. Finally four analytic types and an application framework for studying educational management fashion were provided. How to use Google Trends to explore educational management fashion was also illustrated.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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